Tips for the birth partner

It’s time to learn how to help your birth partner! Often times your number one birth partner is your spouse but it could also be your mom, sister or a close friend. Even if you have a doula, they should be teaching your partner how to be your #1 partner and support during your labor and birth.

Here are a few tips for your birth partner!

If your labor begins during the day and is starting slowly this is a great time to keep the new mom distracted. Watching a favorite movie or tv show, playing a board or card game, or taking a nap are great options. We want mom to conserve as much energy as possible so restful activities are best during this time. A lot of times when a mom realizes she’s in labor, it is hard for her to nap or go back to sleep (if its in the night), so finding an activity that keeps her mind distracted but her body resting is important. If mom is alone during this phase of labor you could suggest things for her to do such as reading, coloring, or watching a movie until you can get to her.

Once labor begins to pick up, the new mom may become frustrated with these small activities or not be able to focus on them anymore. Now is a good time to begin to offer words of encouragement during contractions and discomfort. Offering to rub her back, feet, legs, arms, or even her hands are a great way to help her relax through contractions. Some moms do not enjoy hands on touch during labor. A great alternative would be a roller massage ball or tennis ball.

During the transition phase of labor mom will typically be very focused. The best thing you can do is help keep the room calm, dark and as relaxing as possible. You should continue to quietly encourage her during contractions and keep other conversations to a minimum. This will help keep mom focused and calm.

Your doula will have lots of other tips and tricks including position changes, pain management techniques and ways to encourage mom during the active through delivery phases of labor. This is where a birth doula will do the biggest part of their job. They can teach your birth partner how to help with position changes and hands on pain management techniques. It’s important for your number one trusted person to be able to support you during your labor. A lot of times I will have your partner hold your hand and talk quietly with you while I help with more hands on techniques like hip compressions, counter pressure or gentle massage.

I’d love to answer any questions you have about helping your birth partner during labor or anything else you can think of!

To contact me check out the contact form on my homepage.

Happy Birthing!